“Horizon Light” is inspired by the War of 1812, when the United States faced the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain, in a conflict that significantly impacted the young country’s future. The artwork features a British-built, two-masted brig captured by the U.S. Navy. On the stern of the ship is proudly displayed a rare 17-star and 17-stripe U.S. ensign, originally belonging to the privateer schooner “Blockade,” a 128-ton vessel commanded by Captain Elisha Mix. The Blockade was captured in a battle near the Island of Saba in the Caribbean on October 31, 1812, by Captain James Clepham, who commanded the HMS Charybdis, a 385-ton, 18-gun British Navy brig with a crew of 121.
The Artwork
This stunning artwork embodies the artist’s imaginative interpretation of events following the evolution of the U.S. flag and the British warship. The display showcases a handcrafted two-masted brig, constructed from over 10,000 uniquely designed media elements, attached to a highly detailed plank-on-frame hull. The vessel’s exterior and interior are finished with extraordinary care, using a secret staining technique developed by the artist.
Horizon Light is mounted on a specially designed and intricate dry dock. The British brig, captured by the U.S. Navy, has been refitted to serve as an expedition vessel in preparation for a search for the Northwest Passage. This artwork is a product of pure imagination, created without any plans, sketches, or measuring tools, reflecting the artist’s unique vision.
“Horizon Light” Sculpture Wooden Ship
“Horizon Light” is inspired by the War of 1812, when the United States faced the greatest naval power in the world, Great Britain, in a conflict that significantly impacted the young country’s future. The artwork features a British-built, two-masted brig captured by the U.S. Navy. On the stern of the ship is proudly displayed a rare 17-star and 17-stripe U.S. ensign, originally belonging to the privateer schooner “Blockade,” a 128-ton vessel commanded by Captain Elisha Mix. The Blockade was captured in a battle near the Island of Saba in the Caribbean on October 31, 1812, by Captain James Clepham, who commanded the HMS Charybdis, a 385-ton, 18-gun British Navy brig with a crew of 121.
The Artwork
This stunning artwork embodies the artist’s imaginative interpretation of events following the evolution of the U.S. flag and the British warship. The display showcases a handcrafted two-masted brig, constructed from over 10,000 uniquely designed media elements, attached to a highly detailed plank-on-frame hull. The vessel’s exterior and interior are finished with extraordinary care, using a secret staining technique developed by the artist.
Horizon Light is mounted on a specially designed and intricate dry dock. The British brig, captured by the U.S. Navy, has been refitted to serve as an expedition vessel in preparation for a search for the Northwest Passage. This artwork is a product of pure imagination, created without any plans, sketches, or measuring tools, reflecting the artist’s unique vision.
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